Connect with yourself, connect with your people

   Call for a free 20-minute chat to see if we're a good fit

Connect with yourself, connect with your people

Call for a free 30-minute chat to see if we're a good fit

Nobody prepared you for this. Life was supposed to be a easier by now.


You might be struggling with excessive worry, persistent self-doubt, or negative moods that you just can’t shake.


Maybe the spark between you and your partner has dimmed and your efforts to reconnect just lead to further conflict or distance.


Or you’re overwhelmed by your child’s difficult behavior and urgently wanting some guidance.


In the back of your mind, you might fear that things could get worse if you don’t do something now.


Yes, the future feels bleak, but therapy can help.


This is my passion:  to help you connect with yourself and your loved ones in a way that gives your life meaning and restores your hope in the days to come.


It’s easy to feel paralyzed by all the unknowns of therapy. The good news is that you don’t have to do it alone or all at once.


You don’t have to keep suffering like this. You can create the changes you’ve been looking for. Click the button below to see if we're a good fit.

How It Works

1 - Contact

We start with a free 20-minute phone conversation. The goal is to see if we should meet in person. I charge $200 per 50-minute session. I don't take insurance but can give you a statement as an out-of-network provider so that you may seek reimbursement.

2 - Consultation

During our first face-to-face meeting, you get the chance to tell me what you have been struggling with and what your hopes are for therapy. I can answer any questions you may have. Our goal is to see if an assessment would be helpful. For children and adolescents I generally meet with the parents in the first meeting.

3 - Assessment

This step involves 4-6 weekly meetings and allows me to hear the details that are so important for making therapy work. I give you feedback and together we decide on a course of action. For kids this phase includes questionnaires, developmental history, and observations at school, home, or my office.

4 - Treatment

We meet once or more every week and do the work of moving towards goals. For young children parents' presence is crucial, so we meet altogether. I consult with teachers and other important adults as needed. I meet with older children and teens individually and have regular consultation sessions with parents.

Early Parenting Blog

Insider Training: How Mindfulness and Self-Reflection Increase Your Stock as a Parent

By Mica Gonzalez, PhD

Jaime Jr. woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. It’s been about a week since the two-and-a-half-year-old moved out of his parents’ bed in preparation for the arrival of his new baby brother. Usually, the child takes pride in choosing his clothes and putting them on with a little help before school. But today is not like that.

The Way of the Trickster Parent

By Mica Gonzalez, PhD

The coyote is a powerful symbol in many Native American traditions, representing, among other things, the wisdom of the trickster. But I can’t pretend to have any real knowledge of or any specific connection to Native culture. Rather, this post is born out of a single, brief experience I had several years ago while training in a form of group work known as Council.

Is It ADHD, or Is My Child Just a Ninja?

By Mica Gonzalez, PhD

This one is actually pretty easy to answer: Yes, your child is most certainly a ninja, or at least a ninja-in-training. By ninja I mean someone whose movement is practiced, who feels confident in her skillset, and whose intense activity can be leveraged to reach terrific heights.

Get Started


   Call for a free 20-minute chat to see if we're a good fit



   Call for a free 30-minute chat to see if we're a good fit